Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New ATC's by Lillian and Me

It's been awhile since Lillian and I have done ATC's. We kind of got out of the habit and it was hard for Lillian to let go of her artwork at it's completion. But, we saw that this month's trade was blown ink and Lillian said she's been wanting to try that for some time (who knew?). Once again it was hard for my girl to let go of her awesome artwork, so she decided to send 1 and keep her two favorites for herself. She titled the one above, "Reindeer Night" and mine I titled, "Woman with Child and Dog" and "Butterfly". They were fun to do and Luca made some really cool black blown art images he's planning to frame and put on his wall (well, he's planning on me framing them and putting them on his wall).

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